Comments and Complaints

We would like to find out what you think of the help we have given to you. What you tell us will help us to look at what we do and make sure we can make things better for you and other women who come to our Centre.

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If you want to tell us what we are doing well or tell us how we can make things better, you can:

  • Write in the comments part on the Client Rights & Responsibilities brochure and put it the Comments Box (it is the blue and pink box). Client Rights and Responsibilities Brochure

  • Write on the Client Feedback Survey in Reception and put it in the Comments Box.

  • Write what you think on the Client Feedback and Evaluation forms you are given when you come to groups and workshops or finish counselling.

  • Email:

  • Complete the CONTACT US FORM


If you are unhappy with something that has been done or said or with something someone has done:

  • Write in the comments part on the Client Rights & Responsibilities brochure and put it in the Comments Box.

  • Write this on a Complaints Form (ask someone in reception for the form or go on our website) or tell a staff member and she will help you with the form.


  • Ask to talk to the Services Manager or email her at


  • You can tell our Board of Management. The way you do this is to write a letter or send an email to them on:

The Manager

Hunter Region Working Women’s Group

PO Box 38 , Mayfield NSW 2304

The Chairperson

Hunter Region Working Women’s Group

PO Box 38, Mayfield NSW 2304

The Manager or a person from the Board will ring you within 7 days and tell how they are going to look after this complaint.

The Manager or Chairperson will then ring you within 2 weeks and tell you how this complaint will be finished.

If you are not happy with the answer you can ask again by sending an email or writing a letter (marked confidential) to The Manager.

If you are still not happy with the Manager’s answer, you can ask again by sending an email or writing a letter (marked confidential) to the Chairperson.

If you are still not happy with the Chairperson’s answer you can ask for help by phoning or by sending an email to:

NSW Ombudsman

PH: 9286 1000

PH: 1800 451 524

TTY: 9264 8050



Health Care Complaints Commission

PH: 9219 7444

PH: 1800 043 159

TTY:9219 7555

